2016 Archives

Kranz & Mitchell Re-elected

Mayor Colleen Mahr and re-elected Council members Tom Kranz and Kathy Mitchell on election night 2016. Both ran unopposed, the third consecutive election in Fanwood in which Council/Mayoral candidates ran unopposed. We appreciate our town's faith in our elected leaders!

Mahr Elected to 4th Term as Mayor

Colleen Mahr was elected to an unprecedented fourth term as Mayor of Fanwood on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015. The Mayor has spearheaded the development of Fanwood's downtown and is the Borough's chief promoter of Fanwood as a family-friendly place to live.


Jack Molenaar, Director of Transportation Services at Rutgers University, was re-elected to Fanwood Council for his second consecutive term. He had served on the Council previously as well.


Erin McElroy-Barker, a social worker specializing in services for cystic fibrosis patients and their families at Rutgers/Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center, was elected to her first term on the Council.


The photos below were taken at Fanwood Borough Hall as the votes were being counted. The candidates were joined by other members of Council and family members in celebrating their victories.

Open Space Fund Approved

Fanwood voters said YES to the Open Space referendum, a guaranteed funding source for green space, recreation, environmental and historic preservation projects at a cost of $8-$11 per household.